Find Me in Florida Again.

Welcome to Florida during another one of balmy Winter seasons! This is the season where we enjoy balmy Florida sunsets and sunrises, depending on which side of the state you are on. Weather during December, January, Feb., and March is 40s at night, and 60s and 70s during the day. Residents steer clear of crowded Themeparks during the holidays. We have sense. Don't say we didn't warn you. This is not summertime. Ask a resident how we live here. Answers will be various yet the same. Life is different here than "up north" or "out west". Enjoy the gifts of God, we do!Forget about what you should do and just live and try not to be rigid. The sun is shining. Look up and smile. We do.

Here’s a bullet list of my Lenten learnings. I may be progressive, but I am learning new things to make me a better person. So?

Ok,  it is Lent.  As promised I can tell what is going on that is so so awful.   I can tell a little while my hub goes out to get his meat sandwich and my sushi.   Yes,  he the diabetic Florida lawyer Catholic EATS MEAT ON FRIDAY AND DOES nice things for other people and clients.   And if you think we rich,  those clients may or may not be on payment plans for certain someones to get the job done for them.

So here’s the list:

  • I am learning patience.  Being huffy and stuffy and not human enough for people to approach you when you have an education just plain,  pardon my word:  SUCKS.
  • More patience:  nothing happens when you want it to happen.  It WILL HAPPEN BUT NOT when you want it. 
  • Old bosses leave and well,  even they get fired.   Finally,  our old Hillsborough Tampa superintendent Mary Ellen Elia is leaving today.   There is hope.   This woman has stolen at least 4 million from the school system.   And today is her last day.   There had to be a last day.  Locally,  there are people who are angry about her being fired last month.   She used to harp that teachers didn’t get laid off and got raises, but she still continued to make over $200K  a year not counting her bonuses and other money.   As a trained educator,   JUSTICE IS FINALLY BEING SERVED. 
  • And I am learning still more patience and how to be flexible.  There is no way I could ever actually live here in Florida and BE RIGID.   It is too hot to be rigid.   People,  you have to go with the flow and accept somethings like working with people to get the end result because in the end you DO GET THE END RESULT.
  • In the end, IT THE AWFUL WORKS OUT.
  • And this:  a certain someone who I cannot name ahem ahem cough cough  stole from us  early this year.  I know for sure that we are not the only ones in our part of the world  that is mad at this party.   What goes around comes around for con artists.   Duck out all  you want,  but we are not alone.   There are others pissed off as well.
  • Just wait until  later this year  for this individual  to slide into others.   News at 11 pm.  We are not alone.
  • My Lent was having to deal with this .
  • TOLERANCE AND TOLERANCE OF OTHERS WHO ARE different from you is a plus.   Make sure folks that we understand that.   Unless you are a twin,  and even they look and act micro-different  in their own way,  you are not the cookie cutter you seek to be.
  • It may be tough to be the Lawyer’s wife that works with the hub.   I cannot talk about their stuff at all.  But the it is no joke that it is worth it  to help others in secret,  even when they pay you.
  • It is not easy to NOT WORK in a regular office.  We are a very non trad solo practice law office.  We do not sit at a desk all day.    Most of the old ladies  that I go to church with would not survive because they would need someone to tell them what to do 24/7.  I have to be self directed and take risks and step out on a limb to get the job done.
  • I am learning and thinking about what kind of  person I would hire to replace me and do  what I do.   All I can say is this:   you had better have a college degree or be in your last year and have transcripts to prove it. Most Catholic bloggers from up north WOULD NEVER EVER DO WELL.  I need to hire someone who is either from NY and with it or someone who doesn’t get on their knees and pray the Rosary right at Noon when there is a client meeting coming up or the client is late.    I definitely would fire their uh,  holier than thou self.   You or this person would not get lunch right at Noon, but when we are done with the morning’s work.
  • I think I had better be patient with humanity this Lent and quit worrying how these hypocrites  would point baseball bats at my Lawyer hub and say he is going to hell n a handbasket  because he eats meat on Friday during Lent.  I so want to make sure these Mrs. Singsongy voices understand what a coma is if he eats certain things.
  • Sushi is good bought at Publix.   It is eaten with chopsticks.
  • My lunch comes in and my sushi is outside on the picnic table outside the local library where we do research for cases.

Got that?

Author: findmeinfloridaagain

I am a middle aged lady who is married 16 years. I grew up here in the Tampa Bay area. I am from NYC and LongIsland. I met my Chicago husband here. We have many adventures here and consider most viewpoints and love dialogue on all topics. Dialogue brings understanding and understanding brings hope.

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